
Crank is a BDD test automation framework for validating workflows, apps, and experiences that are at least partially defined, configured, or built in a SaaS platform.

It's never been easier to create complex customer experiences and data flows without having to write a single line of code. Crank aims to make it just as easy to validate that those experiences actually work.

Put succinctly:

  • Crank is a CLI tool for running test scenarios and Cogs.
  • Cogs are a standard way to encapsulate actions and validations for SaaS platforms, exposing them as composable steps.
  • Scenarios are a way to describe the order and substance of steps to be executed across any number of Cogs.

Getting Set Up

Open up your terminal and install Crank.

$ curl -s | sh
$ crank -v
crank/x.y.z darwin-x64 node-vA.B.C

$ docker -v
Docker version j.k.l, build 123xyz

Validate that it was installed successfully by running crank -v, and make sure Docker is installed by running docker -v.

Further details on installation can be found on the installation page.

Install a couple of Cogs

$ crank cog:install automatoninc/web
$ crank registry:steps

A Cog is just a Docker container; the above command installs a container encapsulating steps for performing basic actions in a web browser. You can validate that the Cog was installed correctly by running crank registry:steps. You should see output like the following:

System     Expression                                               
A Browser  fill out (?<domQuerySelector>.+) with (?<value>.+)       
A Browser  navigate to (?<webPageUrl>.+)                            
A Browser  submit the form by clicking (?<domQuerySelector>.+)  

Looking for more Cogs?

Discover More Cogs Here

Writing Your First Scenario

A Scenario file is just a yaml file adhering to a specific format. If you've done BDD before, it should look pretty familiar.

Copy this scenario and save it somewhere on your computer, naming it something like my-first-scenario.crank.yml:

scenario: Your First Scenario
description: This scenario demonstrates the basics of Crank scenario files.

- step: Navigate to
- step: Fill out input[name="EmailAddress"] with
- step: Submit the form by clicking button[type="submit"]


At a minimum, you'll want to define a name for your scenario on the scenario key. You should also provide a description, documenting the intention behind your scenario.


Next, you'll see steps, which is a list of steps to execute. You'll notice the step text looks quite familiar: each string matches a step expression from the list you printed to your console earlier when you ran crank registry:steps.

As you install more Cogs, that command will return more steps for you to use in your scenario files. Find more info by running

$ crank registry:steps --help

Running Your Scenario

Execute the scenario file you saved to your computer using the crank run command.

$ crank run path/to/your/scenario.yml

Your First Scenario

  ✓ Navigate to
  ✘ Fill out input[name="EmailAddress"] with

    There was a problem filling out input[name="EmailAddress"] with Error: ...

  ✀  Submit the form by clicking button[type="submit"]

1 passing (1.20s)
1 failing
1 skipped

...Naturally, since there is no Contact Us form on, your first scenario will fail. But the point wasn't to get a passing scenario, it was to understand how to use Crank!

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